What is Hip?
Some years ago, ACUMEN sponsored a national user group meeting in beautiful Scottsdale, Arizona. There were several good presentations from business and accounting practitioners. That said, many dealt with the latest federal regulations or changes in tax laws. That sort of material, while helpful, can be sort of dry. In…

Good Job (a job well done)
Do you remember the first time you ever heard that phrase? May have been after the first step you took, the first night you slept in a big boy/girl bed instead of a crib, that first perfect report card, passing your driver’s test. Good job! Many of us carry that…

Take Care of your Customers or Someone Else Will
Recently I wrote an article about how important it is to take care of your employees and balance work and personal priorities. Recently, I have been reminded how important it is to take care of your customers. In the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software business, getting new customers is always…

You Read the Instructions and Tell Us How to Play
I think one of the defining experiences in my life that describes my personality to a “T” comes from 1972. I was just 10 years old and we had all just ripped open our Christmas presents and were lulled into a gift overload stupor. Then we had breakfast, woke up…

Confessions of a Car Guy
I think it all started when I saw those west coast kids driving up and down the Pacific Coast Highway in their little English sports cars. Lots of them drove Triumph TR3 or Austin Healey convertables, but my ride of choice was the MGA (see pictured). I ended up buying…

Yet Another Acronym (IoT) and Its Impact on ERP
If any of you have followed my blogs or seen me speak at a conference you might have noticed that I hate acronyms. It’s a pity too, because our industry would seemingly grind to a halt without them. ERP, CRM, SaaS, AI, SAP….you get the picture. Quite frankly, I’m somewhat…

Don’t Let Me Down; Lunch with a Client
Recently I had the pleasure of having lunch with one of our clients here in Richmond, Virginia. In this particular case my client’s project was roughly half complete. Many times, that’s the point where managers and business owners start getting nervous about “go live goals” and over-all investment. Part of…

Supporting Employees: Life/Work Balance
Having been a manager for a number of years with very diverse teams (and also an employee with my own family) I have experienced both sides of family and other personal situations that impact work hours and productivity. As a manager, I think it is important to provide a supportive…

3 Reasons Distributors and Manufacturers Need to Call ACUMEN Corporation Today
Do you think this headline sounds fairly self-serving? Well, it is! If you are a distributor or manufacturer, we want to talk to you. Why? Here are 3 great reasons: 1. Your Sales. The most important part of any sales team’s day is ensuring their customers get their orders received…

You Didn’t Hear This 40 Years Ago
On a given day, I realize how many things have changed since 1991 when ACUMEN Corporation opened our first office. Technology has advanced at such a brisk pace that, even for a technology company, it can become quite a chore keeping up. Of course, there is always a light side…