Quote – Dave Hulett
Client testimonials

Quote – SAP
Partner Testimonial

Good Job (a job well done)
Do you remember the first time you ever heard that phrase? May have been after the first step you took, the first night you slept in a big boy/girl bed instead of a crib, that first perfect report card, passing your driver’s test. Good job! Many of us carry that…

Fat Tuesday – King-sized Success for Wholesale Distributors, Too
Fat Tuesday – A Wholesaler’s Chance at King-sized Success Most of us know that Mardi Gras is French for Fat Tuesday. Not meaning to be disrespectful, some might say this eventful time in New Orleans is called Fat Tuesday due to fattening of the pockets of the retailers, filled…

Transitioning Military Service to a Civilian Career
(A blog that can’t be condensed to 600 words. If you find this too long, read 600, and another 600 later) We will honor several of our Veterans on November 11, and when this time of year comes around, I always think of my Dads. I had two I called…

Inventory Turns – moving at the speed of “G”’s or ZZZZ’s?
NASCAR is an important sport here in the Richmond, Virginia area. And so, it’s not surprising that I was drawn to a series of studies related to the science of speed, (produced for the National Science Foundation (NSF), written and hosted by Diandra Leslie-Pelecky). These studies explain the scientific principles…