North American Headquarters - Richmond, Virginia
(804) 323-0467


Setting an Ethical Bar for Your Company

Anyone who watches the television show The Profit (clever play  on words eh?) knows that Marcus Lemonis likes to do business on a handshake. At least it looks that way on the show. For the uninitiated Lemonis, a very successful businessman, helps struggling businesses by investing both time and money to set them on a profitable course.

Now I really like the idea of handshake contracts. It’s almost a romantic notion that two entities could firm up a deal on that basis alone. Alas I’ve learned over the years that a little paperwork goes a long way toward reminding each party of a few important elements of any agreement. Here’s what I will do and here’s what I expect you to do. Here’s what I will deliver and here’s how we agree you will let us know it is what you wanted to begin with. Simple, right?

But even with simple terms and conditions spelled out (we call that The Agreement of Expectations TM, some people and some companies like to play with the words and intentions to create a win/lose situation. What a shame. Our belief has always been that both parties need to be winners to consider any agreement a success. To insure that, happens one has to set an ethical baseline from which you and your company never deviate.

You may be aware that our credo is “Integrity, Intensity, Energy and Focus….and in that order of importance”™.  That statement was formulated over 30 years ago, and even more than a credo, has become a commitment.  My colleagues and I take that commitment very seriously. To my knowledge not one associate whether in sales, finance, consulting or administration has ever violated that promise to our clients.  It’s a proud heritage and one we intend to last the lifetime of the company.

Bottom line is that I believe the most successful companies have a similar approach to setting an ethical bar. They not only profess the importance of integrity but live it every day and with every transaction. We only deal with companies who display that commitment. Even if we have to spend a few dollars more to work with those stellar companies it’s worth every penny.

Just sayin’.